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Ready to launch a career in a new field...

without jeopardizing your salary, vacation time, or 401k?

You’re ready for a career change. But how do you find a job that applies your expertise and strengths to solve problems that matter?

  • You’ve hit a professional plateau. Not sure where to turn next, you feel stuck.
  • You’ve tried personality tests. Reading career books. Nothing seems to resonate.
  • You have a good job that’s sapping your energy like a HumV drinks gas, but you feel guilty about wanting something more.
So how about a…

Career Strategy

A full-proof approach to unlock your passion, cultivate your superpowers, clench the work you love, and make the leap to your dream job.


the Stereotype

When you explore and experiment with a variety of career paths, there’s no pressure to find the one. Instead, you can focus on being the best version of you by maximizing the use of your strengths and passion at any job. There’s no ladder or prescribed route. Find your path, abandon the 9 to 5 grind, and start making the most of your gifts.


in the Spotlight

Waiting on leadership to see something in you? When you get clear on your value and articulate exactly how you can make an impact, high-visibility projects and kudos from the VPs will roll in and you become the IT girl. Now you choose the plush assignments, golden opportunities, and elbow-rubbing networking events in your career.

Revel in the Spotlight

Waiting on leadership to see something in you? When you get clear on your value and articulate exactly how you can make an impact, high-visibility projects and kudos from the VPs will roll in and you become the IT girl. Now you choose the plush assignments, golden opportunities, and elbow-rubbing networking events in your career.


No More

Stop being the posterchild for haphazard career choices. Deploy a structured approach to career planning and uncover a treasure trove of potential career choices. Then systematically evaluate them for optimal fit and cherry-pick the best one for you. Eliminate overwhelm and analysis paralysis and find your this is where I’m meant to be job.

Let’s Work Together!

One-on-One Coaching

Personalized coaching for Y-O-U. Kick start your progress, overcome stubborn obstacles, and celebrate your success with personalized coaching calls that focus on your unique career goals.

2019 Coaching Packages

SOS Call: 60-min Session ($399)

Sometimes you just need to know you’re not CRAZY! That’s when you need an SOS call.

If your career change journey has taken a few left turns, and you’ve found yourself in the middle of I-don’t-know-what-to-do-now, it’s time for an SOS call.

Together, we’ll brainstorm ways to get your job search back on track. And you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing you’re heading in the right direction.

Yep! This is EXACTLY what I need.

Stuck in a Rut: 3 Sessions
What’s Included:

Career change isn’t for gals who squeal at the sight of blood during a Nat Geo special, collapse after 5 minutes of hot yoga, or wave the white flag 2 hours into Black Friday shopping.

So if you’ve been struggling with how to get noticed and land your dream job, fear not!

In this package, you’ll get 3 one-on-one coaching sessions. I’ll show you how to successfully launch a career in a new field/industry.

We’ll work through what’s working and what’s not. And put together a no-nonsense plan for how to move forward.

You’re in the driver’s seat. I’m riding shotgun. At the end of our time, you’ll have a turn-by-turn guide to your career change! 

  • Session 1: 30 mins – Pre-assessment Call – Share what steps you’ve taken thus far, including copies of jobs you’ve applied for and your resume.
  • Session 2: 30 mins – Ideation Call – we discuss what you want in your next job. Asses your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Session 3: 60 mins – Job Strategy Call – Design a step-by-step plan for how to translate your skills to a new job, including who to talk to and what to say.

Let’s Chat! I’m Ready to Say Buh-Bye to the Rut

Complete Career Makeover: Stuck in a Rut + Resume Makeover
Everything in Stuck in Rut + Personal Makeover of Your Resume
  • Session 1: 30 mins – Pre-assessment Call – Share what steps you’ve taken thus far, including copies of jobs you’ve applied for and your resume.
  • Session 2: 30 mins – Ideation Call – we discuss what you want in your next job. Asses your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Session 3: 60 mins – Job Strategy Call – Design a step-by-step plan for how to translate your skills to a new job, including who to talk to and what to say.
  • Personal Makeover of Your Resume: I make edits in Word doc with track changes, email the tracked changes to you for review, then we hop on Zoom call and finalize your newly minted resume.

Let’s Chat! I Love Makeovers!