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What Career is Right for Me? Match Your Skills, Goals, and Interests to the Right Job

by Amber Beam in Professional Development

What Career is Right for Me?

Midlife career changes are more common than you might think. As an overachiever you’re constantly looking for ways to improve your career and life. And if you’ve found yourself wondering, “Should I be looking for something else?” or “What career is right for me?”, you’re in the right place.

Finding the right career can be challenging. But don’t fret, in this video, I’ll show you how to match your skills, goals, and interests to the right job. And what to look for in your next career move before you begin the tedious job application process.

Learn how to find the best career match for your personal and professional goals, then confidently apply for your dream job!

What Career is Right for Me – Define Your Career Goals

You must be able to answer the question where do you see yourself in 5 years. The answer doesn’t have to be rising in the ranks of management or climbing a career ladder.

Consider a career jungle-gym approach. Gather skills that create the ultimate library and use those to land your dream job. But you must be able to articulate how bouncing around will benefit the organization and ultimately create a more well-rounded employee.

What Career is Right for Me – Define Your Skills and Interests (superpowers)

Most people know 1-2 things they’re good at. But I’d like to encourage you to find five strengths that you can confidently speak to (and that align with your goals).

Take the role of project manager for instance. Project management is a key skill, and budgeting and managing others without authority are supporting skills. But don’t forget negotiation and team building. There are a suite of skills at play.

Understanding what you have to offer makes you a stronger candidate and solves the problem of applying for jobs you’re not going to excel at.

What Career is Right for Me – Define the Workplace Culture You Thrive In

Consider the continuum of workplace cultures from giant, Fortune 500 companies to small, family firms.

Define where you thrive. Do you like to have processes and well-defined systems? Or do you prefer organic decision-making?

You’re more likely to accomplish your goals and use your superpowers in setting that empowers you to make decisions and deliver the highest quality work.

Download the cheat sheet for more ways to design your dream job, including creating a plan for the perfect boss.

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