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Declutter to Increase Space and Improve Peace of Mind (E8)

by Amber Beam in Podcast

In last week’s episode, we discussed how to refresh your mind in just 10 minutes a day by focusing on the present and being mindful. Today, we look at decluttering. Sure, decluttering gets rid of unused stuff, but can it really make you happier? Learn how to declutter everything from excessive clothes to sentimental keepsakes and find a surprising sense of peace by letting go of your stuff.

New and Noteworthy

Just Not Sorry App weeds out phrases in emails that make you seem unsure of yourself. It works like a spellchecker, underlining targeted terms in red when you use words or phrases that undermine your message including

  • ‘I’m no expert in this, but’,
  • ‘actually’ and
  • ‘I just think’.

Do you find yourself using these phrases in email or general conversation? Do you think they undermine your intent? Tell me at  #Justnotsorry #TAOPG8

Self-Help Crash Test Dummy Experiment

Based on the TED talk Less Stuff, More Happiness by Graham Hill, Hill asks ‘Can having less stuff, in less room, lead to more happiness?’ Also, inspired by The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo.

Results of My Self-Help Crash Test Dummy Experiment

  • Declutter Closet
  • Declutter Kitchen
  • Declutter Office

The ONE Thing You Can Do

Let go of ‘suppose to’ or somedayyou need to remove things that keep you in those states of mind. Decluttering your home; it doesn’t have to be extensive – just 25 minutes is enough to quickly spot a dozen things you’re holding onto because you’re ‘supposed to’ or for someday. With a little decluttering, you too can find peace of mind, be lighter, and be present.

Quote of the Week

The optimist sees opportunity in every danger; the pessimist sees danger in every opportunity.
– Winston Churchill

Links & Resources in This Week’s Episode

Thanks for Listening!

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Image: Kevin Fernandez

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