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Why is Losing Weight so Hard (E9)

by Amber Beam in Podcast

In last week’s episode, we learned how to declutter everything from excessive clothes to sentimental keepsakes and find a surprising sense of peace by letting go of our stuff. Today, we’ll learn why losing weight is so hard, and how to eat mindfully to live a long, healthy life.

New and Noteworthy

Destination Addiction

Self-Help Crash Test Dummy Experiment

Based on the TED talk Why Diets Usually Don’t Work by Sandra Aamodt, Sandra tells us why diets don’t work and how to resolve to stop dieting. Instead learn to eat intuitively to live a long healthy life.

Results of My Self-Help Crash Test Dummy Experiment

  • Mindful eating
  • Emotional eating
  • Changing behavior for long term success

The ONE Thing You Can Do

Make a resolution to stop dieting.

Quote of the Week

It’s never too late to redefine self-control, to change long ingrained habits, and to do the work you’re capable of.
Seth Godin

Links & Resources in This Week’s Episode

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Image: Ali Inay

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