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Personal Growth (No Trauma Necessary) (E2)

by Amber Beam in Podcast

In Episode 001, I set the stage for who I am and what to expect from The Art of Personal Growth podcast. Today, in my first Self-Help Crash Test Dummy experiment, I share how I doubled my productivity, ohhh-ed and aah-ed over baby animals, and stepped away from my desk TWICE an hour while still accomplishing a ton of work!

New and Noteworthy

How Successful People Beat Stress (Huffington Post)

Self-Help Crash Test Dummy Experiment

We look at The game that can give you 10 extra years of life by Jane McGonigal, an awesome TED talk about resilience. Jane talks about death bed regrets and how gaming can mitigate many of these regrets. She discusses four types of resilience – physical, mental, emotional, and social and how building resilience with small behavioral changes can give you 10 extra years of life.

As part of my self-help crash test dummy experiment, I tested planking during tv commercials, using the pomodoro technique to maintain focus, Pinterest boards filled with baby animals, and reaching out to long lost friends.

Results From My Self-Help Crash Test Dummy Experiment

  • Lots of success with my Pinterest board and
  • Limited success with physical movement challenge
  • No success with reaching out to long lost friends (wanna reach out to your long lost friends, use my sample text):

Hey [friend’s name]!

I was thinking about you today! I hope you’re doing well. It’s been a while since we’ve talked and I’d love to catch up some time!


[your name]

The ONE Thing You Can Do

Use the tomato timer – its a double whammy you’ll improve mental focus and be more physically active during the breaks


  • Tell me what you’re celebrating
  • 5 reasons to celebrate progress

Links & Resources in This Week’s Episode

Thanks for Listening!

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Image: Stacy

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