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How to be More Successful Using Positive Psychology (Part II) (E5)

by Amber Beam in Podcast


In Part I of our examination of Positive Psychology, we explored the link between success and happiness and practices you can implement to increase happiness. Today, in Part II, I share my success with journaling for 5 minutes a day and identifying 3 gratitudes

New and Noteworthy

Rewrite your rules and live your best life! by Cailen Ascher

  1. Define an area of your life you want to improve
  2. Write current rules, challenge limiting beliefs
  3. Write NEW rules
  4. Repeat NEW rules daily. Make them visible (sticky notes!) and adopt them as your new norm.

Self-Help Crash Test Dummy Experiment

In our second installment of You’ve got it backwards: How happiness today leads to success tomorrow, we are going to continue to discuss training your brain to be more optimistic to improve happiness and success.

Based on the TED talk The Happy Secret to Better Work by Shawn Achor (positive psychology thought leader), Achor tells us we’ve got it backwards, we need to increase our happiness to increase our success. Happiness is not dependent on success, instead success is dependent on happiness.

Results of My Self-Test Crash Test Dummy Experiment

  • Journaling with the 5 Minute Journal
  • 3 unique gratitudes every day

The ONE Thing You Can Do

Set a daily intention. Pair it with an activity or habit you perform in the morning (e.g. brushing your teeth, putting on makeup) to create a routine that will encourage consistency.

Quote of the Week

Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.
– Pema Chodron, Buddhist teacher, author, nun and mother

Links & Resources in This Week’s Episode

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Image: Unsplash

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