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Stop Sleepwalking Through Your Career, Awaken Your Professional Passion

Announcing my next 60-minute mini-training!

by Amber Beam in Workshops

According to a 2013 Gallop poll, nearly 90% of people worldwide find their work mostly frustrating and unfulfilling. That means there’s a ton of people sleepwalking through their careers, going through the motions day-after-day, and wishing for something more.

Sound familiar? If you’re focused on getting paid, climbing the corporate ladder, or just keeping your head down, you’re missing out on meaningful work and a fulfilling life.

It doesn’t have to be that way! In my next free, 60-minute mini-training, you’ll discover how to awaken your professional passion without going broke, losing your mind, or taking a sabbatical. We’ll discuss how to find and pursue passion and why it’s so important to have a passionate career.

Ready to sign up?
Click here to grab your spot for:
Stop Sleepwalking Through Your Career,
Awaken Your Professional Passion

A Whole New World (of Work)

It sounds mythical – like unicorns and fairy godmothers. The idea that you can make a living and follow your passion rarely coincide in the same sentence much less in a career. But the new world of work promises to offer more opportunities to do what you love. The corporate 9 to 5 isn’t the only way! The gig economy, the use of mobile technology and so much more have widened the options for non-traditional work paths. These opportunities make pursuing your passion more achievable than ever and you don’t have to quit your day job to test the waters.

Find and Follow Your Passion

But, if like many, you don’t know what you love to do, the path is less clear. You must discover your passion first. As adults, we are rarely pushed to try new things, but this is the time. I’ll share ways to explore new ideas and interests, without losing your mind or scarring your wallet. Learn to challenge the limiting beliefs that keep you stuck and hopeless. Be free to follow your passion and create a fulfilling life.

Why It Matters

The days are long, especially when you’re burnt out or despondent about your job. If you aren’t pursuing work your passionate about you’re more stressed, sick more often, and generally unhappy. This damages relationships and your health. Stopping numbing the frustration. Learn to live each day with wonder and hope.

Join me for this free training to explore ways to find and pursue your passion and create the fulfilling life you deserve.

Sign up now to join me for:

Stop Sleepwalking Through Your Career,
Awaken Your Professional Passion

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