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Lisa Woodruff from Organize 365 Shares Top Organization Tips (E36)

"Some people are just born organized."

by Amber Beam in Interviews, Organization, Podcast

Rounding out this month’s focus on decluttering and getting organized, today’s guest, says being born organized is just a myth! “Organization is a skill that anyone can learn,” says Lisa Woodruff from Organize 365

Lisa describes a tough situation in her personal life that drove her to become a professional organizer, and shares 3 very valuable lessons she learned and taught others about getting and staying organized.

“Everyone wants to hear what a Professional Organizer has to say.”

For many years, Lisa considered herself one of those “born organized” people – until several stressful life circumstances happened (sick children, a parent’s divorce and death, deep depression, and quitting her full-time job). Then, Lisa realized that organization should be different at different phases of our lives, especially as women. For Lisa, this was an a-ha moment – she realized her calling, and began to help people organize their own houses and lives.

3 Things You Can Start Doing Today to Take Control of Clutter

  1. Keep paper under control with a Sunday Basket

    In our conversation, Lisa revealed what I think might be her best idea ever – a weekly system that helps manage all the paper you receive through a process where you sort and schedule only the paper you actually need to work on each week. Learn more about the Sunday Basket on Lisa’s site here.

  2. Start organizing with yourself and your space

    If you start by organizing the kid’s playroom or living room, it’s really hard to stay organized because of how many people share the space. Instead, Lisa advises that you start organizing in the spaces where you have the most control (again, the kitchen or your bedroom), and then start helping others become more organized too.

  3. Create organization momentum

    If you don’t create a sustainable momentum in getting organized, you’ll never maintain organization in your home. Lisa says that the way to do this is by daily organization tasks that start in specific areas of your home – first your kitchen, then your master bedroom space, and so on – so that becoming organized is sustainable, and gets easier over time. Lisa details exactly how to do this in her Get Organized in 100 Days challenge. Even better, you can get a free week of that program on this special TAOPG listener page.

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