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Organizing Maven Kelly Jayne McCann on Why Decluttering isn’t Just About Your Stuff (E33)

How Organizing Your Stuff Organizes Your Life

by Amber Beam in Interviews, Organization, Podcast

When it comes to organization, we could all use a little help. That’s why Kelly Jayne McCann, The Organizing Maven, is such an excellent guest on The Art of Personal Growth Podcast this week. I chatted with Kelly about what “holistic organization” really looks like, and why organizing your space is a reflection of how well you take care of yourself. Be sure to check out the full episode for all of Kelly’s amazing insights, and grab a copy of Kelly’s free workbook – Creating Clarity and Finding Focus for great strategies to identify, align, and achieve your decluttering goals!

Click Here for Free Decluttering Workbook

Here are a few highlights from the show.

There is a High Cost to Disorganization

You may not realize it, but being disorganized has a major cost – and not just the financial or time cost of trying to find things in disorganized places. Disorganization also costs you psychological, emotional, and physical energy, as well as your health and social connections. In our conversation, Kelly uses the example of a disorganized kitchen to show how your whole life is affected negatively by disorganization.

Real Success is Incremental

As we discussed getting organized, Kelly makes a strong point that success – in organization and in life – is incremental. It’s not about completely overhauling your whole life in the process of organizing your space. Instead, think of organizing as a process where you take small steps on a regular basis to end up transforming your life. Thinking about it this way, setbacks are actually learning opportunities, and we can feel much more successful in the long run!

Be True to Your Priorities

Becoming organized means creating and holding true to your priorities, Kelly says. It’s not about creating a life of the things you “should” keep and the activities you “should” do – it’s about figuring out what matters to you and creating space (physical and non-physical) for those important things. Whether it’s getting your daily schedule more organized or creating a kitchen that has all of the appliances to make the foods you love eating, getting organized is a process that helps you get in tune with your priorities, and then craft your life around them.

Want More Kelly?

Check out this amazing video from Kelly’s YouTube channel about why it’s so hard to let go of clutter – and how to start doing so.

She lays out some awesome science to help understand our love of our possessions, and a few quick tips you can use starting TODAY to let go of clutter one step at a time.

Thanks for Listening!

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