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The Pomodoro Technique (E2 Bonus Track)

by Amber Beam in Podcast

In my first Self-Help Crash Test Dummy Experiment (episode 002), I tested planking during TV commercials, using the Pomodoro technique to maintain focus, Pinterest boards filled with baby animals, and reaching out to long lost friends. Today, I share how intervals of focus paired with short, refreshing breaks bring newfound efficiency and effectiveness to your work.

How does the Pomodoro Technique Work:

  1.  Choose a task
  2. Set the Pomodoro timer for 25 minutes (, but there’s also Simple Pomodoro for android and Focus Timer for iOS)
  3. Work on the task (and only this task) until the timer goes off
  4. Take a short break (5-10 minutes)
  5. Every four pomodoros (about 2 hours) take a longer break (15-25 minutes). Don’t skip this! It’s absolutely necessary to rest your mind!

Links & Resources In This Week’s Episode

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Image: Michael

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